
We're back again, after two marvellous weeks in central France. A sun flooded holiday. The fact that the girls are getting older opens a whole new world of activities. For example, Neeltjes' swimming diploma allowed us to canoe around Brantome. We also went to 'Tarz en arbre' to climb and glide between the trees. Higher and higher. But the most amazing thing we undertook this holiday was searching for gold in a local river. Early in the morning, just the four of us with 'orpailleur' Philippe Roubinet, sun falling through the trees, our feet in the river l'Isle, we turned and turned our dishes, looking for pieces of gold, while black-and-blue dragonflies danced around us. A fairytale-like atmosphere. And we found what we were looking for! Tiny pieces of gold, plus granat stone and titanium. A memorable experience and holiday.


Bernardine said...

Da's grappig, wij waren vandaag in Brantome!

lightbluegrey said...

gènig broekje heeft N aan ;)