It's the little things

I'm not the one preaching motherhood above everything. Sometimes I can feel really trapped in daily routines, playdates at our house when I planned to do other things and mount everests of laundry. But then I find the grocery list on which our youngest (6y) added some of her favourites (peanutbutter, candy and cake). My mood immediately switched to 'grateful'. Or when I see what book our history loving eldest (8y) chose from the library. Such strong interests and opinions she has. A proud feeling comes up. Then I start setting the table (again) a bit happier.


Effie said...

Ooh, ik ga dat boek gelijk opzoeken. Ik heb ook zo'n achtjarige geschiedenisfan!

Joanna Mora said...

Made my day! Thank you!

Helmi said...

Enig, ben ik veel te laat of kan er nog "geswapt" worden! Groet, Helmi