Bask bliss

For years I had the plan to make a cookbook. Not to have it published, but just for the family. In it our families' favourite dishes. I will have it print as a standard photo book. Last week I made a small start by gathering the first recipes that came to mind. Here you see a very new favourite that will make it into the book. I don't know from which magazine it came, but these aubergine fries won't be forgotten. Aubergine already was my preferred vegetable and this dish just confirms that. I even found time to make an illustrated version of the recipe. When you like, I can e-mail you a printable of this illustrated recipe (in Dutch). Just send me an e-mail.


Unknown said...

Heel graag! Dankjewel, Marta

an said...

jaaaaa, graag!

Anonymous said...

Wat een tof idee!
En ik zou graag het recept (plus leuke tekening) ontvangen. Ga je gauw een mail sturen!
Grts Tessa

Moon said...

Mooie tekening heb je van het recept (uit de Flow?) gemaakt, die zou ik ook we willen ontvangen.

Val said...

Lovely as usual! I just wish I could speak Dutch ;)

// Between the lines // said...

Dit wil ik wel eens proberen! Alvast bedankt!!

Marga said...

I would love to have the recipe!!! Dankjewel!

at Nº37 said...

Leuk met die illustratie erbij. Heb zojuist een mail gestuurd!

Helmi said...

Heerlijk! je mag het mailen!

Yvonne said...

Ciao... net terug van vakantie je posts aan t doornemen... graag een mailtje met recepten.. Grazie Yvonne