Imps & Elfs

One of my favorite brands of children's clothing is Imps and Elfs. Especially their jeans are great. My daughter has been wearing this for quite a while and now she managed to get a cut in the fabric of the knee. But with this Kristin Doran-fabric-repair it is still as nice as it used to be.


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Brilliant repair job - looks better than new!

Kate said...

Great knee patch!

rachelmp said...

These just look so cute!

Anonymous said...

Hallo Kristel en Arjen,
Wij zitten In Amman en wilden internetten, maar zijn de emailadressen vergeten.
Alles gaat geweldig en de verhalen hoor je nog wel.
Willen jullie dit ook doorgeven aan Alphons en Annemarit?
Liefs en kussen voor eenieder,
Leo en Rinie/ mam en pap