Our youngest tought herself how to use scissors. With her left hand! (for drawing and eating she uses her right hand). And she is practising for hours a day. Just cutting pieces of paper in smaller pieces of paper. She enjoys it a lot. My joy is a bit smaller: everywhere I go in our house I find little pieces of paper.
My youngest ended up cutting a bunch of my workpapers this summer. Working form home is such a joy ;)
Now you need to teach her how to use the vacuum cleaner! Cherrie
nog even en haar kapsel is aan de beurt. :-) En daarna alle kapseltjes van poppen ... (zo was dat bij mijn toch)
She has a fine timing, with Carnival about to start, you can use a lot of confetti.
And I like her style, I'm a right-writer, left-cutter too. It is so easy when she grows up, cutting her fingernails without your help. Her right hand will develop anyway, so she will be an independant girl.
Haha, half jaar geleden hier hetzelfde! Boeken, kaarten, kranten alles ging er aan.
het is nu minder geworden..
Hier is het knippen geblazen op drie niveau's: beginner, gevorderde en expert. Soms doe ik zelf ook nog mee... Dagelijks liggen er hier snippers in het rond, want de schaar blijft hier een geliefd stuk gereedschap!
O-o mind de vingertjes! Wel leuk dat ze zo knutselig zijn.. moet in de genen zitten :)
How old is she??My baby is doing the same..she is 2years3month!I love to see her!
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