It is
May giveaway Day at
Sew mama, sew. Here you can win a handcarved stamp in a handsewn giftbag. The winner can send me a photo and a name and I'll make a personal stamp of it. Leave a comment before the 31th of May. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner. My giveaway is open for everyone from everywhere.
1 – 200 of 316 Newer› Newest»Hi Kristel! I'm so glad that you've decided to take part in Sew Mama Sew's May giveaway! I love Sew Mama Sew and find your blog really inspirational. I hope I win!
Moet ik hier reageren of bij Sew Mama Sew? Anyway, ik vind jouw stempels de max! Stel je voor, een krullenkoppie van mijn dochters op een stempel :-D
Lijkt me helemaal super, ik doe mee! ;)
Hi! I love this site. I hope i win to have a beautiful stamp!!! Best wishes!!!
Hoewel ik net 2 stempels bij je besteld heb,
weet ik vast nog wel iemand om een stempel voor te bestellen!(mezelf?)
Ik vind ze prachtig!
groet, Maryvonne
I would like to win one of your lovely stamps -so I´m leaving a comment!
I like your blog!
Oh!Ze zijn zo leuk.. Als ik niet win moet ik denk ik maar bestellen. Heb ik nu mijn kansen verpest ;)
Your work is so beautiful! Oooh I hope I win. My little critter Lucas would love this!
Fijn dat je meedoet met de giveaway day! Ik volg je al langer, maar denk niet dat ik al ooit reageerde. Jouw stempels zijn zooo mooi.
Oh wat zou ik graag winnen!
I love your work ,would love to win! many thanks
What beautiful creations you have! I would love to have one of your stamps!
I would love one of your stamps!
Your stamps are gorgeous! I hope I win - my little girl would be so happy with a personalised stamp!
I am a follower of your blog and really love your stamps and would love to win one!
Love your one of a kind stamps!
Your stamps are so beautifull. I can't resist, I participate for the chance to win one.
You have such a sweet style! I'm sure anyone would be delighted to win your giveaway!
I would love to win your giveaway! Very generous of you :-)
oh oh! me me me! What a great surprise this would be!
Beautiful stamps, would love to have one!
id be happy to win -i love your stamp style:)
Your stamps are so beautiful and your little gift bag is very unique.
I'm in..
Groeten uit Rotterdam
Ik vind je stempels zo leuk, dus doe zeker mee!
Elke dag spiek ik even hier hoor, want je hebt steeds zoveel leuks!
Een give-away van zo'n leuke stempel? Helemaal super; ik doe mee. Ik geniet altijd als ik hier kom kijken; je maakt zoveel leuks.
Groetjes, Angèle
Ooh, zal ik nu eens winnen? Ben echt gek op je stempels!
I'd love to win one of your lovely stamps, they are so sweet!!
ik doe mee.....
Dat lijkt me nou toch leuk, een stempel met m'n naam!! Ik ben een anonieme lezer van je blog, maar vanaf nu niet meer anoniem!!
Ik kan er altijd wel eentje meer gebruiken. Eentje voor mezelf dan deze keer! Leuk zo'n wedstrijdje :-)
I would love to have one!!
Hoi Kristel,
Ik vind je blog superleuk, ben nu bezig met je mandje....ik wil graag meedoen met de give-away!
Groetjes minke
Ik ben al een tijdje een stiekeme lezer van je mooie blog. Ik ga nu dus zeker mijn kans wagen!
Eindelijk een kans om zo'n superleuke stempel te winnen . . . Ontzettend leuke blog die je hebt, verbind me weer een beetje met NL hier in Kenia.
Goh, wat zou ik graag zo'n mooie stempel winnen, voor mijn petekindje!
I will give it a chance. Count me in! :)
Joepie, zo een leuke stempel, daar droom ik al lang van, dus ik waag heel graag mijn kans!
Super dat je mee doet, je maakt zulke leuke dingen vooral je stempels!!!
Ben net begonnen met naaien, dus leuk als ik win, maar je blog is zowiezo leuk! Ik lees graag mee! groetjes Karolien
Oh, how great! I love your stamps and if I don't win, I'll order one in the near future, they are just too cute!
Sina from Germany
I love your stamps! Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
Wat gaaf om te zien dat je zoveel ´stille spiekers´ hebt op je blog. Hier dus nog één!
Ook ik bewonder al zo lang je supermooie stempels; zal ik wel zal ik niet ......
Dus wie weet wat deze give away teweeg brengt --> héél véél bestellingen???!!!
Groet, 'n Elzetje
I enjoy reading your blog and how you do things in the northern hemisphere.
Thanks for the give-away. I would love to have one of your stamps.
ik hou van je stempels
Dat wordt leuk die May Giveaway Day! Neem mij maar alvast op in het lijstje!! Have fun!!
Ik waag mijn kans :).
Ik waag mijn kans!
What a lovely giveaway! Stop by to see mine, too. :)
This is the loveliest of giveaways. I only enter when I really like something. I am giving away stuff too so come on over!
Great idea for a giveaway. Both items are beautiful
Waauw, wat een leuke actie!
Ik doe niet mee, want ik geniet nog van mijn netgekregen stempels! :)
Hoi Kristel,
Ook ik volg je blog al langer, maar reageerde nog nooit. Beetje onnozel misschien om dat nu wel te doen, maar ik wil zo graag een stempel van je winnen! Ik vind ze super!
Wow, what a great giveaway. The stamp is so cute.
This could be my favorite giveaway and I just looked at every single one. Crossing my fingers!
I love your stamps and seeing the comments in another language!
That would be one of my dreams coming true! I do hope I win!
P.S. Your blog is wonderful!
How fun! Please enter me in your giveaway!
I'm so excited!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Beautiful work! Thank you for offering a giveaway.
Oh my goodness, how CUTE are those! Simply amazing! I would love to win! Thanks for sharing!
Wat zou ik graag een stempel willen winnen! En wat een ontzettend leuk idee van sew mama sew, en dat jij daar dan aan meedoet. Al win ik niet het is in iedergeval heerlijk spannend. Ben benieuwt!!!
Wow, I would love a stamp!!
I would love to win such a cute stamp! Thanks for the great giveaway!
This is truly unique...I would love to win!
Lees je blog regelmatig en heb al op het punt gestaan een stempel bij je te bestellen....
Wie weet hoeft dat nu niet ;-)
ohhhhh DIT is mijn kans! joehoe, misschien dat ik nu eindelijk ook es wat ga winnen. Een leuke aapiestempel misschien? voor de kleine Ruben?Die afgelopen weekend heul hard op z'n tanden viel? maar ondanks alles gewoon de stoere bink uithangt?
Ich bin Buchbinderin und liebe Deine Stempel :-)
Me, me, pick me!! Truth be told, I will likely order more than one even if you don't pick me. But please, pick me!
Kristi (ejpierce at comcast dot net)
Such cute prizes!
JA, leuk! Ik wil ook graag een stempel.
Beautiful! what a lovely personalized gift! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Joh, wat een leuk idee!!!!
I've just found your bog via Anemone
I would love to win your little giveaway.
Hi Kris,
Wat een hartverwarmende reacties!
Ik doe ook eens mee (voor de allerallerallereerste keer),
Op goed geluk! Proficiat met je mooie, inspirerende blog en doe vooral vlijtig verder!
Would love to have one! Your stamps are so beautiful
These are so sweet!
Thanks for the chance to win! what a great giveaway!
What a fabulous prize! I would absolutely LOVE to win! Please... pick me! leafygreenes at gmail dot com
waaaaaacht ik wil ook nog meedoen. Een kans om zo'n prachtige stempel te winnen laat ik niet liggen. :)
You are very talented. Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!
Love your stamps! So cute. :)
oh wow! What a great great giveaway... I just love this.
Thanks to you!
oh yes please!!!!!
i am giving away to, if you want to take a look.
Love this! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Your stamps are adorable! I'd love one!
What a wonderful giveaway. You are very talented and it would be great to win this.
Oh gosh! I'd love one of these! I'm glad I found your blog!
What a neat giveaway. I know a couple kids who would love it. What a quandary I will be in if I should win!
kdc63119 at yahoo dot com
what a neat idea! those stamps are adorable.
thanks for the opportunity to win this :)
Really cute. I'm new to your blog via Sew Mama Sew. Thanks for doing the giveaway day! :)
Very sweet!
I LOVE handmade stamps!
Yours are so adorable.
I would love to win a custom stamp :)
What a fantastic giveaway - love the style of the stamp!
I really like your style, if I win can you put my nick name is Gygy
Wow, this is really cute! I love your blog :) Thanks for a chance to win!
Wow I coveted your amazing stamp!
What a lovely giveaway gift! and I look forward to reading more of your posts. thank you!
What a great idea! I love your work.
How wonderful!
So cute. Thanks for your giveaway.
Cute! I would love to win one of your stamps
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. You can register for my giveaway at http://ratherbecrafting.blogspot.com
wow! this is a great giveaway! i'd make a stamp of my new nephew! his parents would get a kick out of using it!
Oh, how sweet! Thanks so much for the chance!
Love this. Great giveaway. Thanks.
i want this! awesome giveaway!
How unique. I'd be thrilled with one!
what a fun idea. I wonder what name I would put...mine or my kids? Probably my kids. But that would make me happy too.
I love that stamp... so cute!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway.
What a darling stamp!! Great giveaway!!
Simply adorable! I'd love to win!
What a great idea for a giveaway (and thanks for doing it). I love this idea! :-)
Really cool giveaway! I think it's the most unique thing I've seen so far.
Great giveaway! Thanks!
kldemare at yahoo dot com
Hi Kristel!
I really like your blog and find your giveaway really unique and AMAZING!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Awesome giveaway! I would love to have my very own stamped version of me. I'd be interested to see someone's stamped interpretation of what I look like. This would be great to 'sign' cards with too. Hope I win.
A personalized stamp!? This is so cool! I love your blog - you do really nice work!
This might be the coolest prize ever! I personal stamp is so creative. I want one for my little Lily. Thank you for such a cool, cool thing.
Also, that bag is ADORABLE. Love it.
Wow - what an original prize. I would love to win this!
Wow! That is an awesome prize. It would be hard for me to choose which name to get (me or my daughter). We both love our names on things. :)
I would love to win!
How Unique! Love It!
what a sweet, sweet stamp and idea. i'd love to win!!
Wat zou het leuk zijn om er een te winnen, ben er helemaal gek van
he , ik zou graag meedoen, ik vind je werk fantastisch
Oh, how cute! I'd love a stamp with my daughter's face!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
I love your blog so much. You are so creative! I love your tutorials, I am going to try the felt hair ties.
OMG what a great giveaway - unusual too!
Please enter me.
ooh this is a great giveaway! I love stamps! *crosses fingers*
wow a personalized stamp? that's so awesome. pls join my giveaway too.
Cool giveaway! I love your blog...always so inspiring.
what a cute giveaway!
Joehoe! Ik doe mee hoor!
What a great idea! Love it!
Jaaaaa zo'n stempel wil ik ook wel winnen. geweldig! Geniet altijd erg van je blog.
groetjes Kronova
love it,yes please,hope I win
Stempels zijn altijd leuk, ik wil dus ook wel een poging doen
oh a specialsed stamp would be great
Laat mij maar stempelen!!!
Oh these are so so beautiful!
So cute and personal!! I would love one!
I'm so excited to find your blog! It's brilliant! Have bookmarked you :-)
Please include me!
and me too!
PLease count me in !!!
So unique!
I've been dreaming about using your stamps for some of our wedding papers decor for a while now! I'd love to win a bit of stamp goodness!
Thanks for being so generous.
Oh, wow! I love your stamps and the giftbag is lovely!
what a sweet giveaway!
for mine!
That's a great giveaway! I would love to win.
Very cute stamp! Thanks for doing the giveaway.
This is my first time on your site. I love the bag tutorial and your stamps. Thanks for participating in the giveaway so I could find your site.
Wow, what a wonderful, creative idea! You have a beautiful site - thank you for the lovely giveaway!
suserat at yahoo dot com
What a unique giveaway--thanks for sharing your talent!
What wonderful creativity. I will be back to check out more of your blog :-) Please enter me in the giveaway.
WHAT AN AWESOME GIVEAWAY!! I think this is fantastic!! what talant you have!!! Pick me!!
Oh, and I love your blog!!
Oh what a great idea - a lovely giveaway. I love the stamps you did for my kids and would love to get a family name done as they are just so cute!
by the way - love the strawberry pins!
I love the gift bag fabric! Beautiful!
What a neat giveaway!
Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Oh how wonderful to have found your blog! It's beautiful - and it's always nice to find someone else who shares my love of rhubarb. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have admired your work for a long time. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!
Your handcrafted stamp is really cute, would love to have one.
I love hand carved stmaps! would be great to win one of yours!!! thanks!
I love hand carved stmaps! would be great to win one of yours!!! thanks!
Wow. I love stamps, and would love a hand-carved one even more.
I'm also having a giveaway and hosting a fat quarter swap. Come and check it out :)
Very neat! Thanks for the chance.
Love your stamp designs! I come from dutch ancestors in Zeeland and Friesland - check out my blog to see some dutch heritage pics.
wow your stamps are great! i would looove to own one :)
Jaaaaaaaa, ik wil ook meedoen!
XO Heidi
what a unique blog! love the stamp idea!!!
Oh, how clever you are! They are so cute!
I have been following your blog for quite a while now and I love your stamps. Thanks for the chance to win one of them.
I love your stamps! They are beautiful!
Thanks so much for participating in the giveaway. I'm so glad I found your blog!
Adorable! I'd love a stamp to put on all my mail, cards, etc!
That would be awesome! I love it! Thanks!
I love the stamps-- so darling. Thanks!
LOVE that idea, thanks for the opportunity to win such a special prize
What a terrific idea!
what adorable stamps!
Als nummer 184 dan...
Want ik wil wel een van jouw geweldige stempels winnen! Eén met een bekende naam... Janne... voor mijn meisje!
Dus... Ja! Hier ben ik! -springt in de lucht met opgeheven handen-
How fun and what a great keepsake this would be!
What a lovely give away! Thanks for the chance to win...
Could it get better than this?
I think not! Awesome!
What a great giveaway! The stamp in the pictures is beautiful and very well made. I love it!
I love your stamps! I hope I win!
Cute!!! Thank you
Amazing work, what a talented artist you are! I would love to win a handmade stamp (probably sporting Da'Gorgeouses)!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs & Blessings!
I've been skulking on your blog for a while now, adoring your wonderful stamps. Thanks so much@
Such a cute stamp! Thank you for participating in the giveaway! :D
Wat veel reacties ! Dat zal echt een superverrassing zijn.
Ik doe ook graag mee. :)
Groetjes, Mireille
Oh so cute!!! I would love to win it! Please count me in! Thank you!!!
I love personalized stamps! I like to use them to seal loveletters and embellish gifttags.
That is really cute - you are a great artist!
I'm glad I came to visit your site, to see your lovely stamps. Thank you for the opportunity to win in this giveaway.
How absolutely cute! What a fun giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I adore your stamps!! I'd love one of my 4 year old. Thanks for the chance to win!
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