I already knew my parents have a good eye for beauty. This amazing find only confirms that. Less than a week ago I mentioned to my mother that some wooden danish design furniture would complete our livingroom. Yesterday my parents happened to be in a thriftstore and what did they discover on the top shelf? Two
Hans Wegner chairs in perfect condition! What they payed? I hardly dare to say... €5,- each.
niet! wat een geweldige vondst!
oooh geluksvogel!
Wow, wat een mazzel!
What I look in chairs is comfort but I can hardly say that chairs that I see in our shops are comfortable. You are so lucky to have these two!
OMG, the thrift store had no idea I'm sure... lucky you!
Schitterend gewoonweg! Heb jij geluk, zeg!
Mocht je d'er eentje op overschot hebben - laat het me gewoon weten... ;)
whaouuuu great finds !!! lucky you !!
Unbelievable - what a great find. Enjoy!
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