For Karlijn, Isa and Yvette

What a lovely party we had yesterday. I didn't make all the diy-kits for the kids for nothing. A great joy to so see many children at the crafts table. No kit left when the party was over. The other half of the kids played football outside (with some dads). Inside everything went smoothly. The teenage daughter of one of my friends took very good care of serving drinks and snacks, with two of her friends. I had sewn a make-up pouch for each of them. Like these pouches? Soon I will be giving a similar handprinted pouch (and more) away during Sew-mama-sew giveaway day. So keep following and visit giveaway day on the 9th of december.

1 comment:

Coach said...

Bedankt voor het gezellige feest! En wat een mooie locatie. Karlijn vond het erg leuk om samen met haar vriendinnen te helpen:)