Birthday cake topper

Another small gift for cousin Wies. Because every girl needs her own birthday cake doll. I asked my dad to drill holes in top en bottom of a simple peg doll. I glued a wooden stick to the bottom and the top hole is for the candle. Than I painted the doll with acrylic paint to make a look-a-like of our cousin. A layer of varnish makes is washable.


ipatchandquilt said...

Heel grappig! Wat een schattig kadotje bovenop de taart.
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

Juffrouw Mier said...

Eenvoudig, maar daardoor erg mooi. Waar kun je in Nederland die pegdolls kopen?

Groeten van Juffrouw Mier