Inspired by the weather

Last friday it was cold. Cold like we hadn't felt for months. I had found these books about salt dough modelling in the thriftstore earlier. And this was a good day to make some dough (3 cups flour, 1 cup salt, ±1 cup water, optional: a few drops of glycerine). As soon as the girls came out of school, they started working and only stopped because it was time to have dinner. Here's a selection of what they've made. A set with the autumn feeling of that day.


In de weer said...

Wat leuk, en ze blijven héél lang goed. Ons petekind maakte 40 jaar geleden een brooddeeg poppetje voor ons, en dat heb ik nog steeds.

petra said...

Het ouderwetse handwerk! Het blijft zó leuk om te doen. En wat hebben jullie leuke dingen gemaakt!